Coming soon...

Luxury Sustainable Streetwear

Our story

Rua Norte means ‘Northern Street’ in Portuguese. Taking
influence from our home in Manchester to across the med in Portugal where our
garments are produced.

In a world impacted by climate change it was important we considered
our brands footprint on the environment. We have chosen a family run factory as
our manufacturer, based just North of the Portuguese city of Porto. They only use
pesticide free organic cotton sourced from local producers and finish every collection
by hand to ensure the highest quality throughout.

Manchester will always hold a place in our heart being the
birthplace of our brand where our graphics go from the drawing board to print using
100% water-based printing inks. This is an eco-friendly alternative to its
conventional counterpart that conveniently produce longer lasting prints
with an increased levels of defined detail.

If you want to shop responsibly for high quality blanks then
sign up for early access

Follow the brand journey on Instagram below